Monday, November 4, 2024

Living on the Edge


My center of interest, Soren, is disappointing as he looks to be 7 and he’s 17. Another example of how being a bit “off” when painting a human can have a drastic effect. I did take Ken’s advice and deepened the color on the sweatshirt. What I like most are the little trees to the right and that I left some white for a bit of sparkle. 

A little workout painting in the little book. I now know for sure that I must put in, or at least strongly suggest, the large tree first or the edges won’t work. Also, I think that although the dramatic color change in the sky is effective in the photo, I may have to be more subtle with the transition. 


  1. I love all the natural elements on the first one. And, if you didn't know the subject, it wouldn't matter, would it? He looks like A person, if not THE particular person you know. As a painting, it's a success. I really like the small prep studies you do. Between the notes, the color swatches and the study, it's such a valuable resource. And centuries from now, I can see a curated show featuring the sketchbook in a glass case in front of the museum piece. Can't wait to see that autumnal city.

  2. For some reason , Soren is not painted to the same level as the rest of the painting. The rocks, the trees, the background are beautifully painted, very watercolory, with all the colors lending on their own. He looks very gouache-y., like he belongs in a different painting.your color study is nice, but I don’t think you need all the details on the buildings— it could be one dark mass….

  3. I like the brighter shirt that Soren is wearing an the frozen lava rocks he is standing on and the trees behind him and that lonely pale cloud way out in the sky.

  4. The landscape is absolutely gorgeous the way you've painted it. But the figure just doesn't figure into it. He's painted in a completely different way then the rest of the work and looks like he doesn't belong there.
