Monday, June 19, 2023

more leaves

 Another cropping of that second leaf.  You know what I like to do best is take a tiny brush and dab down paint and then return with a wet brush and sort of melt the dabblings, then come in and dab with another color and then the wet brush and so on and so on and doobie doobie doo on all morning with the cat napping in a chair across the room because nothing bores a cat sooner than that infernal dab dab dab while the finchies drop by for a little treat, and we are all having a great time.  Just great.


  1. Well, as long as the cat is happy.... Seriously, I really like the effect you're getting here. You can just feel the crinkly, corrugated leaves. And that touch of orange says sunshine.

  2. This is the bottom of that leaf from May 22.
