Saturday, June 17, 2023

Bubblegum girl…

I was going to edit this photo but then I noticed Quinnie peeking over her shoulder and thought it was too cute to change! Not sure this is done, but it is pretty close

This isn’t terrible but it isn’t great either. Composition is half the battle in landscapes imo,. The best ones have big shapes and/ or connecting shapes. I think I could change a few elements here, like putting the trees and stuff surrounding the house in more shadow so they’re all similar values & making the water look more like one big shape…maybe I’ll work on it some more


  1. Ha! You're right--it's too cute to crop. Quinn looks astonished that you'd dare to paint another girl! I really like it. I can't be sure what else you'd add, but maybe something on the blouse--either darkening the bubbles slightly or adding light fabric folds so her shirt is as 3D as the rest of the painting? I'm not sure, so go with your own inclination. As for the landscape, the way the sun hits the patch of irises in the foreground is brilliant. It just sparkles!

  2. I am all for putting more paint on those bubbles to make them pop, and maybe make that dishwater couch the color of one of those bubbles. And use that photo to make another painting to include, Quinnie is it? And if you could get that done by Saturday morning that would be awesome.
