Saturday, June 24, 2023

Elaine O. — June 24, 2023

So, I finished the balloon study, featuring both mylar and traditional balloons)...

... in preparation for this painting. As you can see, it features balloons across much of its surface, but they're in motion and a little blurry. I probably should have concentrated on face studies! At any rate, I'm having some sizing issues with the paper, so this may end up as a study, too—which really frees me up.

11" x 14"


  1. Kinetic is the word that comes to mind looking at this one. Everything is in motion, and that blurry capture hits the spot. That blue balloon, do I say the faces of comedy and tragedy on it? Is there a deep meaning hidden inside the joyful moment. Magnesium blue you say?

    1. Hmm... no intention for any tragedy here. I'll have to fix that! Manganese blue (and i think it was a hue). It's in the sky of the balloon study, although a little muddied. It's like cerulean, but happier.

  2. The faces are so well painted! Just continue…

  3. I want to see this completed so I can see this horizontal composition.
