Sunday, June 18, 2023

Elaine O. — June 17, 2023

Between paintings, I reverted to my usual—experiments of the "I wonder what would happen if I..." variety. Using a familiar subject, I tried two kinds of water-soluble ink, both for drawing and touch-up. I got them flowing with watercolor, glazes, water and misting. I also used a gouache glaze to simulate the cloudy window. And, in the end, I like the casual energy and the way this walks the line between painting and illustration.

Next, I'm considering a painting with balloons and realized I have no clue how to paint them. So I dashed off a direct watercolor study, featuring both shiny mylar balloons and translucent traditional balloons. I see more practice ahead!



  1. Those balloons are going to be fun.

  2. I like the closeup of the Buddha better than that full window one. It just has more punch. You know I am an enemy of multi media but here I think that it is doing a swell job.
