Saturday, May 27, 2023

Elaine O. — May 27, 2023

I started a painting featuring some lovely details in the sanctuary of St. Gregory church. I love the composition (even if I find it a bit dizzying) and hope I can do justice to the architectural artistry. As we all know, though, browns are my nemesis. Why am I doing this to myself?!

11" x 14"

I've been living in my sketchbook lately as I'm getting very close to finishing one. Also, I've been organizing and consolidating art supplies--and playing with some of them. Remember back in January when I tried gouache? Specifically jelly gouache. Well, it's half a year later and I opened the palette to find the gouache ready to go with only a gentle misting. Here's a quick direct sketch I did to test them. I'm impressed.

approx. 7" x 4"


  1. I love that church of course. I like that view, everything points upwards and isn't that what we want in a church? This gouache mania is going to far if you ask me, but it is a free country I guess.

  2. Well, I'd hardly call it "gouache mania!" I used them twice in 6 months--and I think I used them more like watercolors than gouache. Still, I'll take care to be sure I don't get too caught up in it!

  3. Lol, "gouache mania" is cracking me up!

  4. Whatever it is, it is very sweet and someone will treasure it someday.
