Saturday, March 13, 2021

Trees /Greeta

 My WC class is focusing on trees. The first image is from a photo of a painting. The second from a phot,o in the MIT Magazine. I did others but they were lumpy or kinda ugly. It was suggested that we look at the work of artists we love and try to emulate so I might try that.

I’m keeping the trees together in a book. 


  1. I really like the light on the second one. Wonderful mood and such rich, deep trees.

  2. I like the abstract, very watercolorly feel of the first one. You should look back at the tree pics Pat provided for inspiration a couple of times. I think they’re on this blog somewhere. Your teacher’s suggestion is a good one - I’m always amazed at how literal I am painting nature in general when there’s so many other approaches!
