Saturday, May 29, 2021

Easy on My Eyes

I painted the Second Man in my Life in a pre pneumonia photo when he still had chubby cheeks & more hair on top. He was wearing a pre pandemic working uniform of coat & tie to do field audits. For these 2 pandemic years, my partner has been wearing a hooded long sleeved top with athletic pants as he works from home in a corner of my basement. The positive effect of working from home is the savings on laundry, public transportation, noontime meals & travel time. I dare not enumerate the negatives!

I feel that this watercolor painting of my domestic critic has an "almost there" quality so I stopped after I have achieved the twinkle in his eyes & his sweet smile.  By the way, he lost 20 pounds from the pneumonia crisis of March 2020, non covid, is still recovering & has lesser silvery strands! Happy Painting to all!


  1. You've got Tony! Not "almost," he's there and looking good. It's a good pair with the one of you from last week. You should frame them and hang them together as a set... prominently!

  2. It’s a great portrait. I love the shirt and tie as well as the wonderful smile. I agree with Elaine - hang both portraits!

  3. Great job, Sis Sunny. I have meant to follow your blog sooner but I just found my note where I wrote your blog’s name. I will be one of your avid fan just looking and admiring your painting. I'm no expert but I appreciate beautiful artwork. .

  4. Great job, Sis Sunny. I have meant to follow your blog sooner but I just found my note where I wrote your blog’s name. I will be one of your avid fan just looking and admiring your painting. I'm no expert but I appreciate beautiful artwork. .
