Saturday, December 19, 2020

the lighthouse

 Fiddled with  a fish, but it just wasn't working out,  Looking for something else I came across this photo that I took five years ago which I have had in the back of my mind to paint for a few years.

What intrigued me was those three stripes of sunlit water and the different shades of blue.  The problem for me is going to be those big areas of the same shade of blue.  They will have texture which means I will have to go over a large area with the same thing over and over and am likely to get bored and careless,  Well maybe I will tart them up a bit.  

With those days I lost fiddling with the fish, and thinking about how I was going to go about this, I find myself with no real painting so I am going to send some of my preliminaries so you guys won't think that I am some sort of sluggard.


  1. Texture seems to be the star of the reference photo, so you'll do fine. I see a lot of blues in your palette already. And after what you did with the water in your last series, you'll have no trouble catching the sparkle of the water and sky.

  2. All the stuff you’ve been doing lead you here. Try this on Yupo and I’ll bet you have a lot of fun.

  3. Use smaller paper! Do 5 or 10 versions on 4x5 or 5 x 7 sheets and see what you like. This is a great subject for a resist painting imo. Do you have oil pastels or crayons?

    1. I did a 9x12. Didn't turn out so hot. I do have oil pastels and at one point I thought of using them but I fear having too many tools. I kind of went hog wild on those watercolor pencils and it just made everything more complicated. Well of course i like complication, but only in two dimensions I think.

  4. Oh my, this was a surprise. Those fishes are hidden. Well, let's see what you come up with. hmmm...
