Saturday, December 19, 2020

Lilies continued

 Well I tried the lilies again on hot press. I liked what happened with the colors but I miss the lightness of the Yupo version. I also like the yellow green lily pads in a line across the middle  and the reflections that I got with a lot of scrubbing (another good reason to use hot press).


  1. I like this series! What a difference the paper makes. This one seems more intimate and less monumental. The reflections and the color blending in the lily pads is exquisite, as is the atmosphere you've achieved. It looks like the sun is shining on the flowers and they just glow against the darker trees and water.

  2. So different but equally beautiful and mysterious!

  3. I like the lilies on the second one better, but I like the background on the first one better.

  4. Yes, this one is interesting too. And yet totally different. I like that you've continued with the theme. This one seems stronger both in colors and shape, composition. The other more decorative. Which is not negative. They are both excellent works, just different in style.
