Saturday, December 12, 2020

Leviathan 2

 I originally wanted him to loos kind of menacing, but now he looks kind of cheery, but I guess that's okay.  /struggled a lot with the water, one of those frustrating things where it looked better a few layers ago, but I hope it is adequate.

Who would be up for like a one hour zoom session, say at eleven or twelve like when we used to do Showtime?  These comments are ok, but they sound a little stilted, and it's king of clumsy clicking through blogspot to to them.  Not that I want to stop doing them, I think we could do both.


  1. He does look cheery... like a character in a children's book going on an adventure and exploring the menacing ocean. I like the water--it's night and sparkly, like there are lights on the surface reflecting. Maybe he needs a bit of a blue glaze to put him IN the water? More of what you have on the top surface of the fish.

    I like your idea about a Zoom circle. I like the written comments, but I miss the back and forth. We could set a time and see who shows up. I know I've been painting a little later without Pat flashing the lights on us--so it would keep me on track!

    1. Excuse me, but I do believe it's Mr. Ken that does the light flashing.

    2. I do believe you're right! I stand corrected. Sorry!

  2. Yes he does look a little pasted on top of the water instead of in the water. I really like how the tail is painted-that looks like it’s in the water. I think you could modulate his color more to integrate him and he would less storybook -ish.
    Yes I’d be up for zoom meetings altho I might not be able to join until after Xmas. It takes a little practice do zoom book group meetings I usually need a glass of wine and great deal of patience...but that’s more people, most of whom haven’t finished the book....

  3. I like that deep, down, darkness of the blue waters with sparkles. But I agree that the fish needs to look like he's in the water too. Like his tail hints at.
    I wouldn't want the commenting or the pix of paintings to stop being posted on the blog because zoom was taking it's place. I think that would be a loss in terms of documentation/ history. I also think it's hard to see artwork people are just holding up to the camera and moving around. Not to mention, talking over each other so that you can't hear what any one person is saying. Other than that...
