Saturday, December 12, 2020

More cocktails

 I made this delicious anjeo old fashioned and decided that it would make a nice addition to my drink series. Watercolor on 9 X 12 140# coldpress. It may be my favorite cocktail painting.  


Greeta and I were sitting in the backyard having a martini on one of the last warm autumn evenings and when I noticed the hydrangea bush on the wall over the lamp. I didn’t think that it would make a good painting because I didn’t know how the values would play. Watercolor on 12 X 16 on hot press. I haven’t used hot press in awhile but it enabled me to bring a softness to the work. 

I didn’t realize until I saw them together that I used the same palate  


  1. I like the detail on the glass. And what is that olive rolled up in? Lemon peel? A very luscious drink, imo!
    And as much as I like a well made drink, I like the brick wall painting even more! The leaves or Chinese lanterns are painted so beautifully- I can see them fluttering in the light. Really nice brickwork too.

  2. I really like the glass on the cocktail painting. You can just see the light sparkling on the drink and the facets. And the stirrer/relish holder is just beautiful! I really love the brick wall, though. The light spill is magnificent, as well as the way the light shines through the leaves. It's lovely!

  3. Great work, Alan. The restricted use of color really makes it happen. Each drink gets better than the last. The glass, composition, shadows, highlights, background...all sumptuous. And the Asian-esque brick wall is sublime in its nuanced simplicity. All that delicate glow. Nice.

  4. OF course I like a yellow pallet. Handsome drink and am a big fan of that lowly saucer/coaster. Like the leaves too, but I am wondering about the ones in front of the light. Should they be darker because they are in shadow, or lighter because the light is shining through them?

  5. I think that they should be lighter. May have added more contract to the work.
