Saturday, December 5, 2020

More great lilies

 I have a friend in Arizona who has a lily pond in his backyard. A guy who grows and sells exotic lilies keeps them in my friend’s pond. He’s sent me several pictures them and I like painting them on n Yupo. They are fun but often take on lives of their own. 

I’m going to try this again on regular watercolor paper because this is what I am trying to do. I thought I had a pretty vibrant color until I went back and saw this version. 


  1. Is the second one a reference photo run through the phone app? I can't believe you got richer results on watercolor paper than on Yupo. Maybe you need a touch of Opera! Seriously, I really like the Yupo painting. It seems so monumental and mural-esque; yet the flowers have lightness and movement. This reminds me of a famous artist or movement (in a good way)...but I can't think of a name. I'll let you know when it comes to me.

    1. Yes. The second one has been run through Waterlogue. On Yupo I really have to lay the color on thick to get real vibrancy.

  2. Yes I like the yupo painting as well. The soft colors are just gorgeous. And the petals of the flowers have such movement— like a ballet almost.

  3. I agree, your yupo water lilies look monumental and yet breathtaking. Really stunning. The other seems nearly crass in comparison.

  4. For a change I also like the one on regular paper better than the yupo. But if you look at the yupo without comparing it to the regular it stands up well. It has a nice structure, though I would like a stronger pink, maybe in the tips of the petals.
