Saturday, June 20, 2020

Sara’s Alley #2

I did a second study of the alley scene. It’s a little smaller and I simplified the sketch a bit, but now I’m wondering if I simplified too much. This one seems moodier, but I’m still working on the sky. Below is the first study. I toned down the sky contrast a lot which helped. Thx for suggestions .
Oh, look how nicely cropped the image is! This one seems a little livelier. I really enjoyed mixing the colors on the paper & working with a limited palette on both. Having fewer colors to work with makes me think more about value and less about local color.
And this is a direct sketch I did. Back trying to do one every morning, but most are too muddy to share. It’s  harder to mix colors on the paper when I don’t have a sketch to follow.
Happy Summer Solstice! Days start getting shorter tomorrow...


  1. Kudos on all of them. I like the original with the lessened contrast in the sky. It makes a big difference drawing focus to the light on the houses. I like the newer, simpler one too. It has a slightly different mood—it feels like it's later at night and more mysterious.

    And I'm a big fan of your direct sketches. They look so fresh and light-filled.

  2. Both of the landscape paintings look good, but the first one (that you painted with the yellow background cropped out) has a more striking appearance. It looks more dramatic and even a bit creepier in atmosphere. The second one you did (the first one shown in today's post) looks more mellow and cozy, pleasant. I vote for the scary one.

    And the direct sketches are always a delight. Fast and fun and keep it up.

  3. It is a little confusing. a;most biblical, and the first shall be second and the second shall be first. But I like the second one a lot more than the first. It seems more purposeful, dare I say intentional? I wonder if it even needs that blue in the sky, seems like a distraction from the purposeful march of the houses. May I mention Charles Burchfield?

  4. The light hitting the flowers from the window is beautiful. Of the two alley scenes, I still like the first one best. I would love to see the sky even darker--what made the original photo, I thought, was the sense of the lit trees being a beacon in the dark.
