Saturday, June 27, 2020

elaine t., June 27

What I saw on my camping vacation: it was a wonderful week! The geese blocked the highway for 10 minutes; the flock was about 10 adults and 20 goslings, so it took a while for the adults to get the little ones safely across the road. The lily pond was endlessly interesting. Frog politics, when there are 4 males in the same pond, are fun to observe. Pooka really wanted to get to know the garter snake that wiggled into our campsite. The snake was, "Nope nope nope nope."


  1. Woodland creatures with captions. They tell a little story. Reminds me of Susan.

    Nice vignettes. I vote for the fawns.

  2. Love it! What a perfect way to document a great week. It would stand on its own no matter what you chose as subjects, but it's especially clever to have centered the vignettes around the wildlife you saw.

  3. Such a great way to remember your trip! The vignettes remind me of Golden Book illustrations from the 1950s. I love Frog politics...

  4. A beautiful set of vignettes. Like illustrations in a book. Your own book of life moments. Very cool.
