Saturday, June 6, 2020

Big Cat Six - kind of a rasta look

Wore the paper down to the bone on this one, putting paint down. letting it dry, coming back in with a wet brush, letting that dry, putting down more paint, repeat, repeat, repeat.  Maybe I'll go back in and work out some details.  Not sure what difference they will make in the overall painting, so maybe I won't.


  1. You kept the fuzzy feeling! I'm so happy! He looks radiant. And yes, I would totally feed him by hand without a qualm. :-P

  2. ooo, he looks so intense. Hypnotizing. And seems to be related to one of the red-headed Julia Cameron women you've painted.

  3. He does have a bit of the Julia Cameron vibe, but it's very apropos. I like the halo effect and the way you used yellows for furry highlights. The textures on this are wonderful!

  4. Not my fav of the series, maybe because there’s no background. But I do like the halo of yellow. But as other people have alluded, maybe you humanized him too much. Those eyes are not the eyes of the king of the jungle! I hear the theme from Lion King playing somewhere...
