Saturday, July 9, 2022

SS The Wine Grower 070922

 My inspiration today is a Wine Grower in Montreux, Switzerland last June 6. Madame Christine hosted a Wine Tasting with Luncheon meat in her Vineyard along side Lake Geneva, a Unesco World Heritage Site!  She was a charming & approachable host & I was impressed with her beauty & competent leadership as she shared with

us, our tour group,  the history of their ownership & management of her Farm & Wine company. She posed for some solo photos for me afterwards which became my reference for my watercolor painting. Her simple hairdo framed her almost no make up face which was a lovely grouping of gentle peaks & confident valleys. It was unfortunate that their Wine company could not ship directly to USA, since Switzerland is not a member of the European Union. 


  1. Very expressive! Paint the vineyards in the background?

  2. Such nice color work, especially in the neck and the hair. Yes, a vineyard background would be perfect!

  3. Send it to her. But somehow copywrite it. It could end up a label on the wine from her vineyard!
