Sunday, July 17, 2022

Ladies in Shades

 I worked on these two paintings a little bit more at home. On the top one I just lightened the post and railing on the left, which helped create more sense of light maybe? I’m going to paint this again in a larger size and give more thought to the background.

As for the mysterious Nora, I shaved a few pounds off myself and darkened the background.then I did a lot of work on my face and just generally added more paint to everything. Please note the diamonds in the glasses…!


  1. Something haunting about the painting of your sister. Looks like the cover of a paperback mystery. Interesting blend of personalities on that sofa. You look like maybe you could make your last cup of coffee decaf.

  2. Love Nora and her glasses! You've got the attitude exactly right--as well as the composition and colors. I love the path of color flowing around your subjects and the way your subjects form a little circle of love. You can feel the relationship. And haunting is precisely the right word for the top painting. I love the way she's painted and the light and atmosphere. There's a story happening there and I can't stop looking, hoping to spot some clue that will let me solve the mystery or know her. Just beautiful.
