Saturday, July 16, 2022

Elaine O. — July 16, 2022

This is one end of Boston Common, the beginning of the Freedom Trail. See the red brick line down the center of the pavement? You follow it, like a yellow brick road, and it leads you through countless historical Boston sites important to the birth of our nation. 

Boston Common    6" x 18"

You can travel the Trail at your own pace and see what interests you—or you can stay and enjoy the park itself. Besides plenty of historical sites, there are monuments,  plaques, plazas and sculptures, as well as fountains, public gardens and Frog Pond.


  1. Love that shadow across the pavement and grass. And your trees are so lively — the queen of greens you are!

    1. I had to include that shadow! I have a vivid memory of being there on a VERY hot day (high 90's) and searching out every bit of shade I could find. In fact, shade dictated how I traveled the Freedom Trail. I spent a lot more time exploring cemeteries and parks with tree cover than open plazas.

  2. Replies
    1. You're good! It WAS July, right near the 4th.

  3. Unbelievable how much you were able toninclude.
