Saturday, May 28, 2022

Face time…..

 I’m doing more gardening than painting these days since after gardening, I’m too tired to do any painting! However a couple of rainy cold days gave me plenty of time to pick upon my Quinn portrait project.

To review, here’s my sketch and the first portrait I painted

Here’s the 2nd portrait I painted.
It’s a little closer in feeling to the sketch, but it still didn’t capture what I liked about the photo. So I decided since I loved the photo so much, I would just print it out and trace it for the next painting. I feel like that’s cheating, but I did it anyways….

I’m not finished, in fact I posted this because I really like where it’s going, but I fear I’m about to ruin it…even tho I’m cheating, I’m realizing that when I do my own drawings I need to break them down more into value patterns before I paint. And I just need to practice drawing more!

See you all next Saturday I hope!


  1. So many micro decisions. I do the same thing when I finally trace the shapes because I can’t get the relationships exactly right. It’s why it’s easier to paint strangers. Also I have more fun painting when I know that the features are right. It frees you up.

    Don’t worry about ruining it. You have the template and some techniques figured out. IMO you are going in the right direction.

    1. Won't see you next Saturday. Classes begin June 11

  2. I like the second portrait. It has a lot more drama.

  3. Wow! These are wonderful. I love the sketch, as you know. I also love the first painting. I know it's not the exact expression you were going for, but it's beautiful and there's a very real emotion there. It feels very Rembrandt and classic. I know you aren't finished with the last one, but the light is great. It's going to be magnificent.

    PS--I don't think tracing is cheating--Degas did it. And the difference between the tracing and the drawing is almost imperceptible anyway.
