Saturday, July 11, 2020

Sara’s portraits

Here’s a portrait of Nora that I’ve been working on for a couple weeks. There’s a lot I like about this. I didn’t really capture her expression and I think my proportions are off as her head looks too big & I had trouble with her cookie hand.  But other than that....!
This is a study of my friend’s grandkids that I did this morning. It’s small, about 3 by 5. I like how he’s painted but I overworked his sister. She’s 7 — she looks about 17 here... Maybe I’ll try this again and see if I can get them at the same level. They do look like a young married couple instead of 7 and 10 yr old siblings....I think it’s that necklace....
Thanks Pat for putting up the inspiration paintings. It’s a great gallery of ideas. And I just want to say how much I appreciate everyone’s contribution to keeping the blog going. I was really sad when I got the notice about fall class being cancelled. ( I just kept thinking that art room is big enough for social distance painting...) It’s really nice to have this little lifeline of art as inspiration and community!


  1. Wow! These are lovely. I love Nora's portrait (and especially her shirt!). Kids do have big heads, so that seems okay to me, as does the cookie hand. That's a really hard position, but you can see her fingers curled around the cookie. It works.

    I think you're right... the necklace is what ages her. Other than that, those are sweet portraits. You have just enough information to perfectly describe them, especially at that size.

  2. I think the Nora painting looks great. It has a carnival ambiance. The blue stripes of the lawn furniture give it an unsteady look that matches the toddling of a toddler. The cookie hand is fine, cookies are messy. Forget the photo and even Nora and just look at it as a standalone painting.

    The kids are nice too, but I would like to see more of his arm on the other side of his sister.

  3. Love the Nora portrait! She's got so much personality, and the pose really brings it to life. I think the proportions are good for a child that age. The 3x5 portrait could be "21st Century Gothic."

  4. Nora is hilarious. The combo background with figure works well. It looks like she's throwing down a gang sign. I think the head is right. Kids heads are "too big." I say done.
    I like the painterly-ness of the double portrait thus far. Loose the necklace, it's too strong for the painting. And let's see how you finish it up.

    I know I was sad to hear about class being cancelled for fall. Next possibility is 2021! But the blog, and you all, have really stepped up to fill the gap. And that is very cool indeed.
