Saturday, July 18, 2020

Sara sits and thinks with a brush in her hand...

...finally I thought I have show something at Showtime, so I did this last night. It looks like yupo to me but it’s actually gouache on Bristol board. I bought this set of gouache maybe 10 years ago and I’ve never cracked them open. They were fine but I don’t really get how to mix them. It’s kind of my version of dry brush since I couldn’t use too much water on Bristol board. Using different materials was therapeutic I guess.

I started this today. I call it Sister Lockdown! It’s On watercolor paper with watercolors. I’m trying to do less detail in the sketches so I can sketch directly on the watercolor paper instead of sketching and transferring images. So much freshness is lost thru that process imo... but even sketching seems like too much work...actually everything seems like too much work except reading and eating peanuts...


  1. Gouache? It looks very transparent. I thought gouache was more opaque. Are you mixing on the paper or the palette? I liked there idea of trying new materials.

    And I really like the Lockdown Sisters. They are going to be great. Already the skin colors are blending and mixing so beautifully. I agree about putting as little drawing in as necessary.

  2. I like the gouache painting's composition. It's interesting how the subjects' eyes gaze in different diretions and yet anchor the painting firmly in the center. The Sister Lockdown is a beautiful beginning too.

  3. How large is your paper? I find painting small with gouache is helpful. Persian miniatures, bible illuminations were all done with that medium on paper. And yes, without watering it down alot, just enough to mix it. I luv painting with it. Try black paper for some fun, just like using prismacolor pencils on black, they really glow.

    Sister Lockdown looks lovely already. Go ahead and follow your inclinations in trying different approaches than
    you usual do. What's the harm? Just keep an open mind and go for it.

  4. I kind of like the baby and the hand. Not photo realistic but verrry interesting. Follow the paint Sarah, leave the image in the dust.
