Sunday, July 12, 2020

elaine t., July 12

A quickie of Émile, who has stopped looking like a baby and mmore like a little boy. Not happy with it, but I don't hate it either. I think I'll try doing a couple more versions this week and see where they go.


  1. Definitely don't hate it! It's a great portrait--most importantly, you capture his personality. Then, there are all the little things to love, like the light and shadows, the shirt, and the way the paint is handled on the face. It's not overdone, so he still looks fresh and young. Excellent choice for a background, too. And you're right—he's grown up a lot!

  2. It goes to show that you can never go wrong with a dark green background.

    I dunno though, do I detect just a tad bit of smugness in the lad?

    1. This original photo is the one of him sitting in his brand new wagon so, yes, smugness!

  3. Wow, they grow like weeds! And you've certainly captured his proud expression. I can't help but smile when I look at the painting.

  4. He’s adorable! Painting him with the wagon might give him some context. I love the light on his hair and face.
