Tuesday, October 15, 2024

A little bit of everything….


Here’s my ode to fall. It’s almost exactly the way I wanted it! That doesn’t happen very often!

Last of the summer produce, beets and turnips. I actually like this one too! I really enjoyed painting both of these, maybe because I didn’t have expectations about how they would turn out. I just went with the process.

A triple portrait— am I crazy or what? I just liked the reference photo because my sister and Nora illustrate my family’s sense of fashion—bright colors! — and Quinn is dressed by her mother in muted grays and blues! I also like the difference in Nora and Quinn’s poses: Nora is in classic school picture pose- stand up straight and smile! Whereas Quinn is her natural beautiful self. I like how my sister is painted, but Quinn needs a little color to her shirt and maybe Nora needs a little more face definition. Maybe a darker background to make them pop? 

Here’s a little less irritated Brittany…I think I need a better reference photo…does anyone know how to make this font bigger while typing? I am going blind trying to correct my mistakes. I can’t tell a comma from a period…


  1. They're all strong paintings this week. The landscape has the perfect indoor/outdoor balance and the colors and composition is great. While I'm no fan of eating beets, I love the way these look. Again, the leaves make for a lovely composition. I recognize your sister from the painting of the two of you that you did before--so that means the likeness is there. Love the way you use color to create a path through the painting and the way Quinn leans into your sister. Brittany 's looking good. She's got a quizzical, bemused vibe now and I love how much of her facial structure you show with such minimal brushwork.

    As for the font, when you're writing the post, there's a TT at the top in the bar. Clicking there will let you change the font size from smallest to normal (the default) to largest. You can change to see bigger type and either leave it when you post, or go back to normal size.

  2. Love the first two because of the strong colors. View on laptop or pc is the only way that I can get larger font. But that takes me out of my recliner which I am loathe to do.

  3. Sorry, I didn’t read Elaine’s entire comment.
