Saturday, June 4, 2022

Burning bright

Finished the tiger's butt and I like it. but I wonder what someone who didn't know what it was would think.  Posted last Saturday's on fb and none of my fb people knew what it was.  Is it necessary for the viewer to know what it is to appreciate it?

And here is my second cropping of the tiger.  Still not thinking ahead or thinking twice.  I think the music I am listening to is more important than the image before me.



  1. If I didn't know the first one was a tiger butt, I'd guess "Bride of Frankenstein" or a "Hairspray" poster. Of course, I may have been watching too much late night TV! I like the texture on the second, but I'm not sure of the what or why. I totally get that it's an exploration of the process without worrying about the subject.

  2. Have never been close enough to a tiger’s butt. Those red lines threw me off.
