Sunday, May 3, 2020

The real Liddia

I was going to name that cheetah, Clint, because of the squinty stare thing, even though if you saw the photo before it was cropped she has two little kittens.  But then early last week I learned that one of my Champaign friends, Liddia Stevens. had died of covid.  I didn't know her that well but she was a fantastic artist and I just thought  I'd give you a look at her work


  1. What a loss. Her paintings are incredible, especially the portraits. This one that you posted, I thought it was a seascape of a setting sun when I first looked at it. Then I saw the face!

  2. So sorry to hear that. Her portraits are beautiful.

  3. Sorry to hear about such a loss, but she did leave behind some awesome work. This piece is particularly moving.
