Saturday, May 16, 2020

elaine t. May 16

I'm finally shaking off the malaise of the past few weeks, thank heavens. I think I'll be more productive in the coming days!

Here's a better version of the facehugger I tried to portray in the little illustration from last week. 


  1. Well who doesn't like a face hugger? Love the color in that little guy.

  2. Okay, I'm having trouble breathing after seeing that! For a basically monochrome painting, there is a ton of lovely color in this. So glad to see you back!

  3. ooo, cool. Now, if the person was wearing a face mask, would they be safer? Did painting it get it out of your system? Or it is now more fully there? Regardless, well done.

  4. Wow, this is quite realistic, given it came from your imagination! This could be the start of an entire covid-19 sci-fi graphic novel...or maybe a musical, ala Rocky Horror Show?
    Glad you’re feeling better.
