Saturday, May 9, 2020

elaine t. May 9

Sorry I missed last week--having a rough time.

I finished my "Covid Eyes" commentary. Apologies for the muffed facehugger at the bottom--I didn't mean it to look like a dogpile. :-P I also did a quick study of a patch of grape hycynths in front of my building. I love those flowers--they are cuties!


  1. Wow! I love the eyes. It's exactly the cycle we've all been going through. And we come out at the end in some kind of normal that really isn't normal at all. The little drawings in the commentary really add too. I'm a big fan of grape hyacinths--they are so beautiful. I tried to plant them with my daffodils but a squirrel got them. It had the nerve to follow me along and uproot and eat the bulbs moments after I planted them. I finally gave up, but I love yours. That shock of blue is perfect.

  2. Good to see you here again, Elaine T, no matter how you're doing. Your eye documentary is covid life in a nutshell.
    The perfect sketchbook cover for the times. And the hyacinths are the blues of heaven.

  3. The eyes have it! Hope some day you can look back on this and smile. But I love how you follow your fears with those lovely little Grape hyacinths . After destruction the world is reborn! And you’ve got that purplish blue that just pops out of the green grass.

  4. I wonder about those eyes. I'm wearing a mask all the time now and sometimes I pass somebody who i barely know, or am not sure who they are because they are also wearing a mask, and I automatically flash them a smile, but I wonder if that gets through, or the involuntary dirty looks I flash at people not wearing masks. Your eyes show emotion and I wonder if took photos of yourself in various emotional states, or just painted eyes and make them show emotions.

    Those hyacinths looked kind of drab in the thumbnail, but when I got the bigger image they looked fine. This blog is the best we can do under the circumstances, but it's a pale shadow of seeing the painting in person.

    1. I took a few close selfies while I imagined the various emotional states. I am very proud of those eye paintings!
