Sunday, February 23, 2025

Alan Winter 9

 This is a 6 X 12 Yupo painting is a seaside housing complex in Holland as close as I can figure. I thought that it would be a good exercise for Yupo because of the sunset. And I was right. Then I painted the buildings. Okay. Then I scratched off the colors leaving the white of the trim with my pointy stick. MISERY! As a famous rocker once said, “I got blisters on my fingers!”  Certain paints are more staining and tougher to clean off and these colors (ultramarine blue, quinachradone carmine, and terra verte) were really difficult to scratch off. But I liked the end result. But I probably wouldn’t do it again  

I liked this white birch stand and thought it would be good on Yupo. The wash was great and I cut out the trees with a Q-tip.  That went well but I got careless with the dark marks on the trees and was unable to scrub off the paint because of the staining quality of the Payne’s Grey. Some trees I liked and some I didn’t but I couldn’t fix them. Anyway, here it is. 


  1. Yes, choose the right subject for Yupo and you're halfway there. That sky and the reflections, along with the background for the birch trees are prime examples. They are lovely. I see what you mean about the trees--probably the marks are too consistent to go with the organic background. I see you've joined Ken in the yellow forest on Yupo club--very promising club to be in!

  2. Yupo experiments always lead to somewhere. The buildings provide a definite contrast to the sky and their reflections. And the pattern of golden yellow and striped birch trees is pretty cool. You're right, of course, that the dark gray markings are a bit too much sometimes. But it almost seems like hearing music playing.

    1. Good observation. Never thought of that but it’s true.

  3. Houses look like those Nordic houses on a river or canal, or maybe crayons, a little whimsical but not too much, reflections make it in my opinion, and you can never have too much yellow. Speaking of yellow, I like the broken pattern of those birches.

  4. I love the birches and the houses. Both create interesting patterns. I love repetition in any form…it’s soothing…
