Sunday, March 29, 2020

the forebears

The one on the left is the newsprint charcoal and watercolor crayon, I did the one on the right with the proper material.  I kind of like the one on the left.  I made up the background, kind of dreamy huh, like Rousseau huh?  Made up those trees on the right too, in the photo it is just rocks all the way to the top.


  1. I really love the original. You're right—there's definitely a Rousseau vibe to it, along with an eerie, dreamy light. Even then, you were successfully doing cool patterning.

  2. All three are fun to look at. The rhythm of the first version above, with the lines of the background behind the sinuous tiger, keeps grabbing my eye.

    --elaine t.

  3. Maybe ihave seen these or thinking of Rousseau..background overpowers the tiger in #1 but its really neat —and it glows! (The background) love the colors in #2 — like how the blue unifies it...

  4. Yeah, that certainly is Rousseau-esque. And he's grown bigger and a bit more realistic in the 2nd version. Definitely more watercolor-y too.
    Have you thought about doing some painting of something you've never done before? That could be very interesting...
