Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sara’s work

Here are the three paintings I worked on this week. The lilies I painted from real life on Saturday during class time In response to a painting Pat posted. The double portrait is painted on Ken size paper (18x22). I like how I painted the baby; the mom not so much. Too much background; not quite sure what to do with all that space. Bottom is a Nora painting still in progress. I’ve been at home about 10 days since all my classes and grand parenting duties have been canceled. I tend to spend mornings painting or sketching. I’m working in several sketchbooks I have started over the years.


  1. Yay, sjd. I didn't realize your flower painting was related to the one I sent out. Even though I related it to that pix in my comments. It looks very fresh and lively.
    Your double portrait looks good. I think both baby and mom are well sculpted. The baby is more colorfully painted than the mother is, perhaps that's why you like it more? (by the way, if you click on the pix they embiggen.) Maybe if you let it sit for awhile, or do the turn it upside down, sideways, etc. and look at what it might need and where... The background could be as strong a shape(s)as the figures...
    And the Nora ptg shows great composition and color, don't you think? Not to mention her expression!
    Give us a glimpse of your sketchbooks next time.

  2. I like the kid a lot and especially the eyes. Maybe too much background.

  3. Sara, you've been busy! I really like your portraits. I'm not sure what to suggest about the background except that maybe it needs a touch of contrast--like a bright spot to highlight the heads? Whatever, I'm sure you'll figure it out as you always do. Really nice portrait work.
