Saturday, March 28, 2020

March 28, 2020

Elaine O. here. I've been working on hands, not entirely successfully. This is a mudra associated with protection, teaching and generosity. Seems appropriate right about now. I began with sketches and am satisfied with the color palette, but not so much with the focus.

I decided to switch gears and sketch another mudra (compassion and loving kindness), using a felt-tip calligraphy marker and brushing out the ink to work on value.

And now, Sara's inspired me to set regular "studio hours," so I'm hoping for more progress next week. Stay safe and healthy!


  1. The purple/yellow combination looks sharp, but it's true, the hand gets a bit lost in the first iteration. The second version is decidedly cleaner and clearer and really does glow. And your pen and ink one is very intriguing with those subtle color areas and the starkness of black and off-white. yeah.

  2. These are really beautiful. The second painted one looks the best of those two, the articulation (?) of the fingers is very pronounced. Are these outtakes from a bigger painting? I can’t remember if you’re just painting a mudra or a goddess doing a mud and white is cool too it really produced a lot of color.

  3. FYI, the Andrew Loomis book I’m using has a section on hands if you’re’s actually titled Head And Hands. Google it to find a pretty clear online pdf of it. Also this guy Proko on YouTube has somewhat simplified the system & he also covers hands. Not that you need instruction,,but sometimes it helps to see how someone does it.

  4. I like the second hand best, but I'm distracted by that part above it where it looks like the arm continues upwards after the hand. What is that purple and gold stuff in the background?

    1. Ah, that's not her arm, it's her shoulder and there's a necklace to the left and fabric drapery to the right (over her shoulder). I'll have to resolve that better if it's confusing. Thanks!

    2. Maybe if she was wearing dark sleeves.

  5. Lovely expressive hands! I like the second one--the sense of depth and of the hand delicately caught in movement is beautiful.

    --elaine t.
