Sunday, March 2, 2025

The. Noble Robin

 Finally painted a bird I know about. This is an adult male. The female builds the nest and he helps her search for supplies. Then he brings her food while she sits on the eggs. He also protects the nest….humans who come too close get dive bombed.  Both male and female must find food for the babies. Babies are in nest for 14 days. On the last day in the nest each baby eats 14 feet of worms…that’s per baby,,, It is he who guides the fledglings when they leave the nest. Hoping robins build their nest in my garden this year as they sometimes do. 

This is 6x6. 


  1. Strutting proudly in his season, meteorological spring. Be back in a sec Hon, just giving the paparazzi a little thrill.

  2. Greta, I like this one--and not just because it looks familiar. I like the way he commands the space and colors in the wings. All in all, this is really turning out to be a good series for you!

  3. A stately guy. Love all the colors in his gray feathers. I hear them in the trees but haven’t seen them in my yard. Maybe because these big ole morning doves think they own the place…
