Sunday, March 2, 2025

March 1, 2025 — Elaine O.

Just when I thought I finished this painting, I had the feeling that something was missing in the background. Not much—maybe just a shadow or something. So, I added the outlet and despite the logic of a cord that seems to end under the still life (what? electric lemons?), I stand by my choice. 

11" x 14"

I found a Paris sketch that I started and abandoned when I lost interest. I was still feeling so-so about it, but decided to finish it and not waste the paper. Once I started painting, it started to feel a lot more interesting.

12" x 9"


  1. Glad to see that honey pot stepping up and taking its rightful place among his still life buddies. And while they lounge in their Platonic idealism that cord is ready to send juice to the juicer at the flick of a switch.

  2. Well, the still life looks great and has an energy-maybe electric energy. I think that the outlet is unnecessary but it does ask a question. I think that the early sketch of the still life has much more energy than this early stage. Finish it with gusto and see what happens.

  3. I always love your stonework. I think you moved your toaster and set up the still life. Isn’t that what artists do.

  4. Oh the cord goes to the electric juicer, right behind that pile of lemons! Beautiful work — I really like how you committed to the multicolored part of the towel! And the folds are lovely!
