Saturday, December 28, 2024

Will Xmas never end???


I long to get out of the kitchen and back to some semblance of a routine!  This hectic painting reflects my brain and is the only thing I’ve done in the past week (or has it been two?) there was a box full of gift bags, ribbons and crumpled tissue  paper just to the left of me, so I attempted to capture the color and chaos. Particularly the smoothed out previously crumpled tissue paper…I tried to capture all the facets with brushstrokes…but when I came back to the painting I decided it needed sketching to sort out all the shapes. Whether it works or not doesn’t really matter as much as having 30 minutes to sit and paint. My reward for all this Xmas cooking was going to the AIC to see the Paula M Becker paintings. Two of my favorites below…I’m going to paint Quinn and Nora in these poses! Go see it, it ends Jan 12. And see the basket weaving exhibit downstairs— it’s phenomenal!

 Reflects my brain


  1. Yes! I have a "wrapping bag" just like that! You've totally captured the festive upheaval. And I agree with you about the Paula M-B exhibit--her charcoals and landscapes are incredible. I can see you doing portraits like this of the girls--be sure to include the trees! Those baskets are amazing, too!

  2. I like the crinkled red and green paper on the right and wish that that brightness and detail was matched on the left.

  3. I would never have guessed that this was your wrapping paper bag although I have several just like it. But now it makes perfect sense. I like the sketching quality of it remembering that it is a sketch and not a finished masterpiece. I like the strange sense of place too.

  4. It does looks just like Christmas. Glad you checked out Paula's work. I wonder which will become Quinn and which will be Nora?
