Sunday, December 29, 2024

December 28, 2024 — Elaine O.

I've added the final touches to my still life and I'm really happy with it. The colors are a bit more lively in person than on screen, but that seems to happen a lot. Anyway, I considered a complementary cloth but I really liked the swaths of warm colors surrounding the cool bowls and grounded by the warm black. 

9" x 12"

I'm intrigued enough to try it again but with a blue cloth. Here's the start.

And while I was waiting for a layer to dry, I did a quick blind contour and found a different composition and different colors that I liked. I think a) this still life series isn't over yet, and b) I need to make a run to the fruit store!


  1. The blue decorations on the bowls and the
    Napkin trim really added to the painting. It is kind of incredible that all the orange colors work together…the blind contour painting is really nice too.

  2. Watching the progress of this painting as it kept getting better I was worried about those white bowls, too white, and was hoping for some blue trim particularly along the edges. And now it's there and it's fantabulous. I now await the entrance of the blue cloth.

  3. I agree with Ken and Sara about everything but Ken’s blue cloth. I like that the new one’s bowls are more topsy-turvy although the vertical line might make it less interesting than the horizontal version. But maybe not.

  4. ooo, I like all the upcoming versions too. The blind contour sketch is too cool.
