Saturday, December 21, 2024

Mama, Papa, and Baby Bear

This was going to be a straight non-representative painting but all of a sudden, quite by accident, those 'trees' appeared in the upper left and I really liked them so I tried to make the rest of the painting a forest with that big old cliff on the right, but doing so was like work compared to the fun of just slopping around paint as the mood hits me.

This one was pure slopping around and it was a lot of fun.  Called it quits when I noticed I was beginning to tidy things up.  

Just to round up my experience I  decided to do one with an image in mind right from the beginning, which I didn't think I would like much because it would not be so free, but it was nice having a skeleton to hang my improvisations on.  
Those 'stripes' on the bottom are more defined in the actual painting, but now that I see the photo I can see that something needs to be done with them.


  1. I love that first one. Colors, balance, texture—it's definitely the star of the show. I also like the second one. It's subtle but beautiful. I'm wonder if I want to see another color added or the green strengthened--but I think that would ruin it, so I'd call it finished. As for the cat eye—the stripes at the bottom don't bother me—the ones in the eye do. They seem a little stark and graphic compared to the rest of the painting. I hope you get more Yupo for Christmas!

  2. The first one is interesting, paint-wise and compositionally. The 2nd one, not so much. I just think you more time with it. The 3rd one, the eye is too controlling, dominate and not adding to anything, especially with those rigid lines.

  3. The first one is kinda dull although the structure is fine. Agree on #2. You must have worked hard to get those rigid lines on Yupo but they took me right out of the painting.

  4. The middle one has a nice rhythm to it imo. I like the background colors on the first one but that foot reaching for the tree kind of loses me. #3 is just too weird for me. I can’t get past the eye…
