Saturday, September 28, 2019

September 28, 2019

Today we're all about art. We create art, of course; but we are also inspired by art of all kinds as you'll see below. What better way to begin than with Elaine T.'s painting of one of her palettes. This quintessentially watercolor painting pays tribute to the tools of our artistic trade. Look closely and you'll see this is the palette of bright colors she used in her Colorful Animals Postcard series.

Greeta finished her last painting in the Day With Manet series.... 

... but she was having far too much fun to stop. Here's a peek into Greeta's sketchbook to see her next studies and color swatches for this series. 

And here is Greeta's painting. Again, the modern viewer and Manet's sitter are coordinated, relying on soft textures to link them without overwhelming. The painting is not finished, but it's easy to see why Greeta isn't quite ready to end this series. We're happy to see this one continue, too!

Elaine O. finished her beach baby painting. We appreciate how the background is kept simple to keep the focus on the happy baby and her lovely sundress.

We mentioned how we were all about art this week. Here's an example of art inspiring art! Elaine O. borrowed one of Ken's black and white photos from Julia Cameron's photography book and painted the portrait below. So, this portrait was inspired by another type of art—a photograph, as well as by Ken's series of portraits. All three are very different, but they are connected by inspiration.

Susan's painting below was inspired by a concert featuring music by Beethoven. She wanted to convey the way the music made her feel and by the atmosphere surrounding the musicians. Notice the early autumn light streaming through the stained glass window and illuminating the subjects.

More inspiration from other fields of art. Alan's birdhouse series celebrates architecture, albeit on a small scale! This little gem is on Yupo and has been sealed with a gloss coat (sorry for the glare in the lower right corner!). Notice how the textures of the building materials describe the birdhouse and its surroundings.

This uniquely shaped birdhouse is perfectly framed on a tall, thin page. We also love the colors and applaud Alan's decision to change the color of the background shingles to better highlight his subject.

This is another series by Alan, also about architecture. Here we see the top of a building peeking out through the treeline. It's not finished, but you'll want to return to see how it comes out.

More architecture.... this time, of the urban variety. Ken is beginning a view down a Chicago alley. We already like the overhead metal roof and the buildings illuminated by garage lights below. You'll definitely want to return to see how this turns out. Based on the study, we're sure it'll be a wonderful series.

Masterpiece Series

And now, the latest installment in our new feature, Masterpiece Series. Each week, we focus on one artist, showing a series they have done.... either in a row or over time. Today's artist is Ken and this is his Stripes series.What's the backstory? Ken was painting a series to honor his two new cats, Buddy and Sweetie, and added stripes to one of the backgrounds. He had so much fun, he was inspired to do a whole series featuring stripes...

... and stripes in two dimensions, aka Plaids....

Some of them looked like dreamy landscapes....

...and some were explorations of particular colors like green....

... culminating in Ken's favorite of the series.

And, while we're at it, here are some of Ken's earliest works in watercolor, dating back 30 years! Isn't it interesting how you can see a distinct "Ken" style right from the beginning? It's in his choice of subjects, his use of color and the way he applies paint.

Moving Sale. There's still time if you're interested in a great moving sale. Steve will be selling lots of fine household and garden wares (and much more) over the weekends below, weather permitting. Hope to see you there!

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