Saturday, October 5, 2013

October 5, 2013

Well, we almost had to scrap the video today, but we finally managed the upload. At any rate, you can always look below for still images—and we encourage you to do so as there are some really fine paintings today.

Once again, our collective unconscious found a common theme—sunsets (although we suspect Ken tried to sneak a sunrise in there!). From Lake Michigan to Hawaii, we were awash with landscapes featuring the color orange.

Even the non-sunrise paintings are full of color. Greeta's painting trees instead of fruit and Sara's painting fruit (instead of trees); but both of them are amazing us with their beautiful colors. Mark is on a roll, with zebras this time—who knew grass and black & white stripes could be so vibrant? Elaine's Buddha background went through many permutations before she settled on the colors she did. And Pat's dress? Avert your eyes! It's an explosion of color, as is Ken's Cub shirt. Scroll down and enjoy the rainbow—you can't say it's drab, that's for sure.

Artist of the day: There were quite a few, actually. Last week's catalogs proved so popular, Pat brought in two more books featuring California artists Thiebaud and Diebenkorn. Ken shared a book on Charles Sheeler and Alan brought one on Walter Anderson. The "library tables" were a great place to visit while we waited for our paint to dry.
Quote of the day: Well, there was one, but no one wrote it down, so we can't remember it. You'd have enjoyed it, though. We did. Sorry!

What's Pat wearing? We know this question comes up a lot. But now you don't have to wonder, you can just look at the latest in Susan's newest series—the Pat series. Every week Susan photographs Pat in all her sartorial splendor, then paints her against a lovely rainbow background. Either Susan is trying for an "A" or Art inspires art! (We suspect it's the latter.)

At long last: Many years ago, we all placed a group order for art supplies, including some 300# paper. Today, Elaine finally got around to breaking open the cellophane wrapping! Yes, we all saw it—hooray! The cellophane was actually a little yellowed, that's how long it took her to decide she might be good enough to break out the expensive paper. Next step—actually painting something on it. Tune in and see if she dares.

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