Monday, January 27, 2025

Alan Winter 5

 I spent some time working on this alcohol ink that was boring and dull. I didn’t like it at all but now I think it’s kinda interesting. 

Someone sent me a plethora of black and white pictures about life in the 50’s. I remember doing something like this myself. Entitled “A Routine Repair” it’s very like me as a kid. I had to invent my own colors though so I had to go far back in my memories to choose them. Always have trouble with tires.  I believe that’s a bucket hat on the car seat, but I don’t remember them as a 50’s thing. 

I’ve been looking at Christopher Stephan’s wash videos on YouTube. This was a ghost wash which is painted extremely wet. Still pretty wet in the photo  

After thoroughly drying…… paint!  I’m torn between explicit and gestural.  But I love the idea of different washes as the basis for the painting.  I’ll use it more often but especially landscapes.


  1. I like the craggy red going from one corner to another, but those dots don't seem to be with the program.

    I like the shade tree mechanic but I think his overalls need more wrinkles or something.

    Graceland right? A tad fuzzy for my taste.

    1. What program? I thought that there were plenty of wrinkles, but I’ll think about it. The top half may need some stronger values.

    2. I guess the program of the craggy red going diagonally across the page. The dots seem to be just bystanders, but then I guess every parade needs an audience.
      Looking again I see that I had not been looking closely enough. There are indeed wrinkles, but I was expecting something sharper, but then overalls like that are generally heavily starched, so I withdraw my comment. In the words of Emily Litella, "Nevermind."

  2. We had one of those pedal cars! It had a little bell on the hood that you could ring by pulling an attached string. Ah, memories! Love the striped shirt and socks and the car details. I agree about more definition in the overalls. I like the alcohol ink painting. Are you finished or is this an intermediate stage? Same question for Graceland. It looks like you're doing the ghost wash to cover all the white paper and then adding detail. Those are the same painting, but at different stages, right? The reflections are lovely.

  3. The ghost wash painting might be more effective if more of the ghost wash was left, ie, leaving the center of interest ghostly and developing more explicitly around the edges - or vice versa. More hide and seek I guess. Your colors are spot on on that little red car and the boy’s positioning animates the painting. Reminds me of Norman Rockwell…

  4. Wow, talk about working in completely different styles. You're the man. The alcohol ink ones are interesting. This one, I kinda bounce around between the little cluster of bubbles. The little boy car mechanic is great in its captured perspective, the composition, colors, and the different ways you've painted it. His pose is great, and the tools around him, not to mention that great depiction of concrete. Nice approach to Graceland. Maybe a bit more thought on how to best achieve the effect you're looking for. I find the definite grasses in the bottom front seem too definite and jump out at you amidst all the mist. Maybe more of a gradually revealing...
