Sunday, January 5, 2025

Slow week for Uncle Ken

One of the lovely tomato flowers from that lovely summer 

Probably the less said about this the better.  I started out with that galaxy thing in the middle, but it didn't have inertia enough to reach the edges of the paper so I divided it into sections, but then I could never get them to play well together,  Just a sacrifice sheet for now, but maybe someday I will get a Eureka moment.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

January 4, 2025 — Elaine O.

It's a new year and I think I've started a new series. Here's yet another still life—this time, I made the entire background cool and blue with the intent of making the clementines pop.

11" x 14"

Alan Winter 2

 I got a lot of ideas one cold late fall afternoon down by the lake at the end of Addison around the golf course. Since our painting area has been disrupted by Christmas stuff, I’ve been working in my sketchbook with my minimal urban sketching tools  which includes brush pens so I don’t have to worry about water.

Here is a more than quick sketch of the clubhouse for the golf course. The perspective is a little off and the clock should be higher on the tower, but the overall look is what I was looking for. 5 X 5 on hot press  

After golf I often stop in at the Clock Tower Cafe. 5 X 5 on hot press. 

If you look to the west from the parking lot you will see Lake Shore Drive across the athletic fields. 5 X 10 on hot press. 

These are a lot of fun requiring only a small space to work and a good light source. 

A tree….

 Having a little trouble getting back into the painting mode, but I did this tree, which is really a study in color mixing wet on wet. I first painted it using neutral tint for the shadows. It was kind of blah. Then I read this article on mixing darks right on the paper using complementary colors. It gave it a little more pizazz and a lot more contrast. Not crazy about the wispy branches. I should go in and paint about 1000 more…Happy new year, hope everyone is staying warm…