Saturday, January 9, 2021

raven 3

 I wasn't sure where to go with the raven so I started on the background.  When I first put in those two horizontal bands of gee gaws they looked like the weren't attached to the building, like they were somehow in front of it hanging in space,  I put those vertical things along the piers to attach it to the building, and noticing the lacy design of them realized that I could put a lacy pattern into the raven/

So see if you just give it a chance your painting will tell you what to do.


  1. Oh, yes! This is really speaking to you, isn't it? And I'm not making any "nevermore" jokes. Adding the geegaws and the lacy texture really takes this to a great place. And the limited palette is perfect.

  2. A very strong painting, Ken. Everything works.
