Saturday, January 16, 2021

One more fish

Put some more feathers (lines) in the raven to connect with the background and massaged him a bit so that he doesn't look so flat and blobby.  Calling it done./

25 years ago in a print class at Harold Washington I hit on the idea of carving a small lino block to make it like a stamp, in this case a diagonal, and by rotating it I could well make a lot of shapes.  Did a lot of these but they did not make me rich or famous so I stopped.

I did seven fish in that earlier series, but I do my series in multiples of 8 so I needed one more. I thought back to those lino fish, and thought why don't I try that, making a mosaic out of a print represented by a watercolor?  Thought that I would use the format of that earlier fish but it just didn't fit so I've spent the last couple days inventing a new one running a lot of graph paper/  I thought I would put a preliminary copy on newsprint but I kept messing up.  18 rows by 24 columns by 4 different positions of the block comes to a pretty large number and that isn't even using colors.  I expect I will be working on this for some time.



  1. I really love that raven! I'm feeling a little confused about the process in the tiles, but I'll wait and see what happens.

  2. The raven probably needs to be seen in person to appreciate it properly. The feathers look so intricate juxtaposed against the building, Like Elaine, I’m not quite sure what’s going with the fish, but I’m sure it’s worth waiting for...

  3. Bird and Building do look great, Ken. We'll have to see how the fish comes into focus...
