Saturday, October 10, 2020

Good Morning Feet in Color

 Good Morning Feet is the watercolor version of my prior pencil sketch. This is how my husband & I gr

eet the day to check for fluid retention in lower extremities! My background is a rising sun of a dark blue wavy sky with an additional foreground of a turquoise sea water, a more romantic accessory to red shorts, purple leggings & green dress. I enjoyed the emphasis on the negative shapes. By the way, this painting works on an Inverted Style! It was fun! I was done at Saturday 3 p.m. Happy Painting to all!


  1. I like the simple blocks of color. And your color palette reminds me of Gauguin, for some reason.

  2. Thanks for mentioning Gauguin & the green edit!I googled his style which he stated Synthethism. Would someone explain "two dimensional arrangement of parts"! Many Thanks to fellow artists!

  3. I like the casual pose of the legs and feet, and the bright colors. I like the way the feet almost touch, like a kiss.

  4. Nice turning the drawing into a painting. I only think the blue outline around the feet would be better if if was more diffused so it read less as an outline and more of a subtle color change.

  5. Love the shapes, all the triangles! And as Ken mentioned, there’s a sweet playful romance between the feet. It’s a lovely arrangement of parts...
