Saturday, October 3, 2020

Elaine O. — October 3, 2020

She's finished!  My original intent was to convey the moment between thought and motion; the sense that she's just on the verge of an action. I debated adding a darker strip of color at the very top to box her in more (and maybe make it feel like she's about to pounce), but I think I like it as it is. Plus, the paper won't take much more abuse, especially in the face area.

Ready for Action    12"x9"

And, as a bonus, here's a peek into my sketchbook with a food recommendation—cotton candy grapes. They are incredible and, yes, they do taste like cotton candy. 

Cotton Candy Grapes    5"x5" (approx.)


  1. Wait - are they actual grapes that taste like cotton candy or cotton candy in a grape format? Either way, I guess it’s amazing someone thought of the idea...great little drawing! Your portrait turned out lovely. I’m glad you didn’t add the dark strip at the top. You really captured her nestled in the sofa. Sometimes it’s hard getting the shadows in the right places or the right value to create the sense of weight on the cushy couch. Love her expression!

    1. They are actual grapes. They are green and a little mottled, like heirloom fruit instead of the perfect looking supermarket stuff. They are marketed as Cotton Candy grapes and you really taste the sugar. I got a small bag to try, since I'd never seen them before—now I wish I'd gotten more!

  2. You certainly captured her mischievous expression and her gesture of about to pounce. Perfectly painted.

    I can't believe the grapes, however. The sketch is great. So where did you get the grapes anyway?

    1. Mariano's. It was the first time I saw them there... but I hope not the last!

  3. Now that's a little girl who shouldn't be messed with!

  4. I love those grapes. It is how I want to draw and paint
