Saturday, June 6, 2020

Sara’s summer so far...

I know I’m going to spend today in the garden, so I’ll just post a few things from this week.

These are direct watercolor sketches done from life, not photos. I’m trying to increase my intensity of color (ie, using more paint) & also think more about composition. I’m impressed by Ken’s cat compositions, so I’m trying to paint less detail, more shapes.

Here’s a couple of sketches done from photos. I like how they turned out. 
And let me introduce you to a new artist & her latest work titled, “My Mom’s Tummy.”


  1. You have been busy with all your watercolor sketches. The child ones are especially expressive and minimal. Who is that big kid artist? Do they really grow that fast? And such a great title too.

  2. I like the first watercolor sketch the best, the other two seem a bit noisy, not as centered. The lines on your paintings from photos, ink or pencil, before or after the paint? I don't normally care for paintings of babies, but I really like that one.

    1. The sketches from photos were drawn first in pencil.

  3. I love the fluidity in these, particularly the direct paintings. I'd love to see a little more contrast in them--I think it would make the subjects jump out from their backgrounds.

    I haven't gotten up the courage to do direct paintings right now. Maybe lter this summer!

    Will the new artist continue to participate in Saturday Showtime?

  4. I really like the direct watercolors, especially the first one (the bouquet). The light in that is exquisite. And the others are so very watercolor-y. They capture the sunlight beautifully and really define the space just by color--no huge value shifts. I'm going to have to try that.

    Your sketches are, as always, masterful. The baby especially--you've used just the right amount of delicate line and soft color. I really love it.

    As for the last painting--that's quite a studio setup! She's a minimalist, I see. Great title, limited palette; yet she's made a statement.
