Saturday, June 13, 2020

elaine t., June 11

The Killing Eve montage ("Sorry Baby") is done. I'm pretty happy with the final product.

I'll be (finally!) off to the woods next week, so I'm not sure if I'll have anything new to show next Saturday. Have a good week, everyone!


  1. This is great. Love the expressions and the composition. Oh and the postures.

  2. Fabulous expressions on the faces and I love the texture in the clothing. You’ve raised the standard for portraits!

  3. Wow! You finished it--and it's amazing! In group portraits, it's so hard to get everyone at the same level. You've got each of these characters dead on. I like the composition a lot. It feels big and important, like a movie poster or a book cover. And the background is inspired. No wonder you're happy with it.

    So glad you're finally getting out in the woods, too. Have a great time.

  4. Yes, it's like each one is telling his or her own story. (Even though I've never seen the show.) They all have their own distinct coloring, posture, expression, etc.

    Have a great time in the woods. Looking forward to some tree painting too.
