Saturday, June 13, 2020

Sara’s alley

This is pretty much all I worked on this week. It’s small, only about 5 x 7. I used mostly 3 colors — ultramarine blue, alizarin crimson and quid gold. I let the colors mix on the paper for the most  part and I liked how that turned out. Composition wise, I think the sky overpowers or steals focus from the rest of the painting.  Not sure if it should be less contrasty (the sky) or not so busy... this is based on a photo I took, and the problem doesn’t seem to exist in the photo and I don’t know why. Here’s the photo for comparison . Any suggestions?


  1. You're right. The photo feels different than the painting. The bottom of the painting is beautiful, especially the way the colors move and blend. No changes there. Maybe the sky needs less contrast or less color. Maybe a grey glaze to soften the edges and make it darker and more twilight-y? That would also add even more focus to the lights in the alley.

  2. I agree with Elaine's comment about the sky contrast. I think softening the colors and contrast with a neutral wah, darker at the top of the sheet and lighter at the horizon, would make it feel more like a night scene. The buildings and their lighting is perfect IMO.

  3. I like it. Of course, that yellow background bothers the heck out of me and I wish I could crop it so it didn't distract my looking at the painting. Nevertheless, I think the whole thing looks so dramatic, weather-wise with those clouds. Like in the midst of a storm. Colors and shapes work well too.

  4. What strikes me is that in the photo it is white clouds against a dark sky, but in the painting it looks more like dark clouds against a light sky. I think that is because the values in the dark are uneven which makes them look more like they have substance.

    But the photo is just a starting p[oint, my opinion is that the painting doesn't really begin until you've left the photo behind. You know when you start you are copying elements from the photo, but of course you are not going to be copying it exactly even if that is your aim and as you put in more elements they will diverge even more, so from that point on you want them to harmonize with each other and how they look in the photo is a diversion. That's what Uncle Ken thinks.

    1. We had an interesting email exchange lately on painting. I would like to put them all in a post that we could comment on. Does anybody think this is a good idea?

    2. Yes, why not? I miss the background art chatter and it would seem like "art talk" has a place here.

  5. Sure. I miss the class interaction. Or maybe I just miss the opportunity to spout forth nonsense...either way it’s hard to find people who enjoy talking about painting. Although I do enjoy The Lonely Palette and sometimes Talk Art podcasts.
