Saturday, May 23, 2020

Sara’s stuff

Here’s the painting I started last week. It’s done. I like some things about it, but I really lost the family resemblance between us, so it’s a little flat.
This one has grown on me. I covered the background in oil pastels, so it kind of makes the figures pop.

Here are a couple of garden sketches from this week. This second one I was trying to simplify shapes into lights and darks, but it went kind of wacky.


  1. I like the pink flowers. I like the art nouveau curves. I can't see where the oil pastels are.

  2. My absolute favorite is the pink tulip sketch. I love the way you fill the page, the sinuousness of the line, the beautiful use of color and the way you've caught the essence of the tulip in all its stages(the drooping petals are beautiful). In other words, I like everything about it.

    I see what you're doing with the shapes sketch and maybe all you need are a few airholes in the floral mass. Otherwise, it's a lovely sketch.

    I like the sketch of you and your sister, too. I like the composition of the first one, but you seem less flat on the sketch. It seems there is more light coming down and shaping you, especially on your sister's hair. I wonder if it's because of the oil pastel background—does the contrast between the flat background make you two look more 3D? Also, is this your birthday self-portrait?

  3. ooo, the oil pastel on the watercolor portraits gives a very interesting effect. Nice. It makes shows off the watercolor painting as well as heightens the negative space. Good color choice too. Perhaps you could go into the most recent portrait painting and deepen it in places to bring it out more? Especially in the faces. Yes, the pink flowers are wonderfully lyrical. As Elaine mentioned, maybe you could tear some air holes out in the last sketch, like a collage type effect and it would be perfect,
