Saturday, May 16, 2020

Big Cat Five

He or she is jaguar.  I'm going to have to see how the background looks before I return to the spotted cat.  That's a little backwards isn't it?  Those vertical lines are supposed to be like reeds or tall fat grass.  They'll be a lot darker by the time I'm done.  Then a hill, then some spindly trees, and a starry sky, for the forest of the night, even though this is not a tiger.


  1. I really like the variation in color in the fur. He (or she) looks a little sad, I think. Maybe at the thought that you may be valuing the background more than the cat? Seriously, I am liking this series a lot.

  2. No it's not backwards, Ken. Ideally, one paints all over, all the time, remember? Yes, all the big cats do emote specific feelings. Looking inward these days...

  3. Love the composition- can’t wait to see all these cats together life size. But it sounds like a lot of stuff is going into that blank quarter of a page....remember what Mies said...less is more....
    But the cat is beautiful !

  4. Yes, the jaguar looks a bit pensive to me. He/she's must have a lot to think about. It's going to be lovely to see the series all together. Each cat has such a distinct personality! My fave is still the sleeping lion. (BTW--have you seen the video paraody called "The Liar Tweets Tonight" done to the old Tokens song from the 60s? Pure gold.)
